Countdown to the "Sampler of Your Life"!

Date Added: 03/20/2012

Hi everybody! Spring is now definitely around the corner and, somehow, our great yearly appointment with the well-known Festa del Ricamo event! Here are some more details.
As usual, feverish preparations are under way, but we can't forget what's going to be the "core" of our next "Festa": your samplers

I have already told you the fundamental ingredients of any "needlework contest recipe" are certainly your will to join it (a strong will!), the irresistible temptation of seeing your project showcased with many others and, as certainly, the desire to win at least one of the awards! This time they're going to be four: three for as many samplers, as on an ideal podium, with three shopping vouchers - of 300, 200 and 100 euro - to be spent as you like in Casa Cenina, and a fourth prize, which will be different and secret, like the most pleasant surprise, until that day, and is going to be given to the most original sampler, designed and stitched by you, expressly for this contest!

However, beyond this recipe and these "foundations", there's mainly the meaning of stitching: what stitching represents for the all of us, which is the most important characteristic... The one we would like to stand out on the walls of our warehouse, where these samplers will hang the first weekend of June!
So, remember: no matter if you haven't made up your mind yet, whether to join the contest or not, or if you are among those who have already grabbed their floss, needle and linen (for this is the only "compulsory" element of this contest f ours: you must not stitch on aida!), just put all yourselves in what you're stitching and it'll show... You won't be wrong anyway

From a merely "bureaucratic" point of view, many of you have asked about a form to fill out to join the contest (probably remembering our previous contest, called "A Kit, An Idea"). However, we'd like to reassure you about this, as well: this time we have decided not to publish any form online, for two main reasons: first because, differently from the past contest "A Kit, An Idea", this time you don't have to purchase anything to join the event (you can stitch with any material you already have "in stock" ); secondly - and to some extent even more important - this brand new contest focuses on the 100% personal essence of your project, on the multiple meaning and role and it has and plays in your life, which, we know for sure, cannot be "limited" into a form. So, just keep on stitching, stitching and stitching for there's not going to be a form, but there will be some people thrilled to receive your personal masterpiece, unwrap it gently and give it all the place and light it deserves There'll also be the prizes that any contest worth this name must provide for - and we've already talked about them - and there'll be a little surprise we have conceived expressly for you, to help you keep this experience in your heart and mind, like a sweet memory... No matter if you're going to be among the winners

Just a couple of months and we'll be there!!! So, also think of the short text to send us along with your sample, where you can tell us something more about you, what has inspired you and what's the meaning and, why not, the "story" of each single, little cross on your linen Yes, we know: that's far from easy... But this is part of the challenge, too, isn't it?
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