Hello everybody! Today I would like to talk about one of the latest products we have inserted in our catalog -the Assisis'linen- and about the Assisi's stitch, which has a very particular aspect and which is keen to the cross-stitching.
But let's procede with some order!
Let's start from a certainty: among the several records of our beautiful (but a bit messy) country, there is the huge amount of produced linens. The vastity of our brands, well-known all over the world like Graziano, just to mention one which is famous among all the stitchers, includes the linens used for the production of very fine house embroideries and linen embroidery.
Of course, the Assisi is part of the linen embroidery and it is a very elegant and pure 11 threads linen, with a very regular filling, excellent for all the embroidery "ambitious" projects: tents, special occasions' tablecloths, blankets and the inserts for sheets and towels we want to decorate.
The two colors we have:

are perfectly suitable to all these works, even if- at least once- the cross-stitch is not what we want to do

Actually, this linen is the perfect choice also for the blackwork and, obviously, for the stitch of its same name: the Assisi's stitch.
But what is exactly the Assisi stitch? In order to relive the history of this typical Umbrian embroidery, I would need hundreds of pages in our website and -this is a bit more complicated!- a lot of your precious time

So, I will try to be as much brief and clear as I can
The Assisi's stitch is in short a cross-stitch made so that the embroidered subject is outlined by a contour- made using the cross-stitch- just remaining inside as in a cut figure. It is made in two times: first the design contour (running stitch or backstitch), then the filling of the background. Once the contour completed, the design must be left in white and we proceed with the background by cross-stitching. The oldest examples of Assisi's stitch embroideries date back to the XV and XVI centuries, periods when from Italy the embroidery was spread all over the world. Nowadays there exists in Assisi an association entirely consacrated to this art and its protection. Which is very important because today a lot of embroideries are made through machines and they are sold like hand made products. This association gives also the chance to attend some Assisi's stitching classes. Anyway, for all those who do not live in Assisi, there are several books about this technique:
Happy Assisi's stitching to all of you

Grazie! (GaRi25022) Date Added: 10/09/2009
Grazie! Adoro il punto Assisi, ma ho avuto spesso dubbi sul tipo di stoffa da usare per ricamarlo, voi me li avete risolti!
Sicuramente, appena avrò terminato gli attuali lavori in corso farò un bell'ordine!