From Thursday, June 12th, to Sunday 13th July included, let's celebrate together the 20th edition of the
Football World Championship,
with an amazing 20% discount on all the orders placed while the matches of your favorite National Team are being played
And ...
if your National Team gets to the great Final in Rio de Janeiro ... You'll also get a
gift voucher equal to the 5% of the total of your orders, placed between June 12th and July 13th 2014, while the National Team you have selected is playing its matches, that can be used in your very first order after July 13th 2014.
How to join our special• You can take part in this promotion only if you have already a personal account in Casa Cenina website, or if you open one - at any time - just by clicking "New Friend";
• Wholesale customers cannot partake in this special offer
• Our 20% discount will be highlighted, i.e. displayed in your shopping cart, exclusively if:
1. you have logged in our website with your username and password (that's easy to check: you are logged in, when you can see the white writing "Hello, XXX" up above, on the right, in our webpage);
2. you have selected the National Team you're supporting, in the webpage/section,
to be found expressly here;
3. once you have chosen your favorite National Team,
this cannot be changed anymore and in any case. Of course, you can choose your National Team at any time, though strictly during the Football World Cup 2014 (and this means, you can also select your favorite National Team when the World Championships have already started and until their very end, i.e. on the day of the Final in Rio de Janeiro) but
just once and for all and with no chances to change it. If you choose the National Team to support AFTER the World Cup has already started, the 20% off discount will EXCLUSIVELY be applied to the orders placed after that date and always at the time your National Team is playing its matches, starting from that very date. In no way the discount will be retrospective!
4. once you have selected your National Team, you'll be clearly displayed the Schedule of its matches, corresponding to the times valid to place your orders and enjoy our "
Worldwide Special Offer" : you'll have
3 hours' time to do that! For example, if you choose England as your National Team, you'll get our 20% off placing your orders on June 14th, from the very start whistle sound and throughout the following three hours. And, again, on June 19th, from the start whistle sound and the three hours after and so on. If England (or any other National team you have selected as your favorite one) moves to the next round, the lucky (and certainly happy!) supporter will obviously have the chance to rely on more days to take advantage of our discount, placing her/his orders by always following the schedule of the relevant matches;
5. Our 20% discount applies exclusively to "Immediately available" items (i.e. in stock when placing your order). Books, magazines, all the products of our "Digital Delivery" area, as well as all those already reduced (such as the items in our "On Sale!!" section) are not included in this promotion;
6. if your National Team gets to the great Final in Rio de Janeiro, on July 13th, you'll be given a
gift voucher equal to the 5% of the total value of the goods included in the orders placed while your National Team played its matches (you'll have already been given our 20% off on these orders). This final voucher
DOES NOT include the orders placed when the National Team you have selected as your team to support is not not playing its matches.
Please, also bear in mind that you can place as many orders as you want, from the start whistle of the match of your National Team and throughout the following 3 hours
We're all supporting... You, first of all, here at Casa Cenina!!!
Reply (RoRo65489) Date Added: 06/10/2014
Bellissima iniziativa spiritosa e inconsueta bravi !!!!!
Merci (DoST16756) Date Added: 06/10/2014
Merci pour cette nouvelle remise.
C'est très amusant.
Il fallait y penser .
OTTIMO! (Nella) Date Added: 06/10/2014
Cari Cenini,
Riuscite persino a farmi appassionare al calcio...................
Reply (deen22575) Date Added: 06/11/2014
Carinissima questa iniziativa, grazie!
vive le foot (anse35595) Date Added: 06/11/2014
c'est une excellente idée
chez nous nous sommes très foot et mon fils est gardien de but dans son équipe depuis plus de 10 ans
il entraine aussi les jeunes gardiens
et moi je brode pendant les match à la télé
Geniale (annalisazen) Date Added: 06/11/2014
Iniziativa simpatica e originale! Da non perdere
Reply (pabi29524) Date Added: 06/11/2014
complimenti!!! (babiboom) Date Added: 06/11/2014
fantastica iniziativa...... riuscite sempre a sorprenderci :)
ale' (IrBe) Date Added: 06/11/2014
haha che casotto, devo rileggermi il regolamento 4 volte ma è divertentissimo!! Ora però non so che squadra scegliere, mumble mumble...
Reply (AnBr58683) Date Added: 06/11/2014
Reply (AnBr58683) Date Added: 06/11/2014
Fantastique! Merci
Italia!!!! () Date Added: 06/11/2014
Reply (AnFr9480) Date Added: 06/11/2014
Come non potevo scegliere la nostra squadra anche se non ho molta fiducia... Trovo l'iniziativa molto originale, bravi!
SYMPA (SyCA68533) Date Added: 06/11/2014
merci pour cette nouvelle idée bien sympa et originale qui nous met avec un peu d'avance dans l'esprit de la Coupe du Monde de Foot.
valentina () Date Added: 06/11/2014
Reply (anba51903) Date Added: 06/11/2014
per una calciofila come me....nulla di meglio! grazie!
OK (clbr60561) Date Added: 06/11/2014
bell'idea, siete sempre simpatici ed attenti a far risparmiare i clienti, vial col calcio d'inizio
IMPERDIBILE (GiMa26411) Date Added: 06/11/2014
Ottima idea per noi....bravissimi e grazie....forza Brasile...
IMPERDIBILE (GiMa26411) Date Added: 06/11/2014
Bellissima idea....forza Brasile...
Gianna (GiMa26411) Date Added: 06/11/2014
Bellissima idea....forza Brasile...
Italia (adch47218) Date Added: 06/12/2014
Sempre carinissimi i cenini😍
Reply (SaCa31338) Date Added: 06/12/2014
bellissima idea complimenti tifero ancora di più per la mia italia
Reply (SteGug) Date Added: 06/12/2014
bellissima iniziativa!!! :-)
Le bresil (natr10412) Date Added: 06/12/2014
Merci pour cette belle initiative
Brésil (FaOP21776) Date Added: 06/12/2014
Merci! () Date Added: 06/12/2014
Merci pour cette idée originale qui j'en suis sûre fera le bonheur de tout le monde
Brésil ! (FaOP21776) Date Added: 06/12/2014
mitici! (virgola) Date Added: 06/12/2014
bella idea! :)
A comprar! (roce56074) Date Added: 06/12/2014
¡que buena iniciativa!
bresil vs (natr10412) Date Added: 06/12/2014
j'espère que ca fonctionnera
BRESIL (COCO68316) Date Added: 06/13/2014
je pense que c'est le Brésil qui va gagner cette coupe.
Sympa le jeu je vais guetter le prochain match mois qui ne suis pas fan de foot je vais trouver ça sympa.
Merci (Vonye 04° (YvAR22133) Date Added: 06/13/2014
Très très bien. Bonne initiative et bonne broderie
iniziativa (RoGi70532) Date Added: 06/13/2014
Bellissima iniziativa spiritosa e inconsueta bravi !!!!!
italia (anva28678) Date Added: 06/13/2014
non so niente di calcio ma tifo per l'Italia
Reply (BERA72283) Date Added: 06/13/2014
Muy buena promocion
coupe du monde (reRO41306) Date Added: 06/14/2014
je vais soutenir la FRANCE
merci pour cette idée simpa
pour l'heure légale europe centrale (COCO68316) Date Added: 06/14/2014
étant en France y'a combien de décalage avec cette horaire ?
je suis plus calée en broderie qu'en fuseau horaire
merci de préciser
Reply (PaGa55788) Date Added: 06/14/2014
Grazie sempre delle ottime iniziative!
ordine (vifa9970) Date Added: 06/15/2014
perchè se faccio ora l'ordine, metre gioca la svizzera che ho scelto, non mi viene fatto lo sconto del 20%?
Vilma Faini
Mi sento proprio sportiva!! () Date Added: 06/15/2014
Grazie per l'opportunità che ci offrite, non sono una grande tifosa ma colgo l'occasione(ghiotta!! per diventarlo un poco, grazie a tutte, Annamaria.
per vifa9970 (ElCa954) Date Added: 06/15/2014
Ciao Vilma :-)
Forse lo sconto non ti esce perché non hai eseguito il log in nel nostro sito (devi essere autenticata, con la tua email e password nel sito, perché il sistema ti riconosca e "veda" che hai scelto la Svizzera e, di conseguenza, possa applicarti lo sconto automaticamente all'ordine che stai eseguendo).
Oppure, hai messo nel carrello dei prodotti non immediatamente disponibili, o dei libri, o dei prodotti già in offerta: tutti articoli, cioè, che non rientrano nella promozione, come spieghiamo al punto 5. del testo qui sopra.
Se il problema dovesse persistere, ti preghiamo di contattarci via email a: [email protected]
Un caro saluto e te e a tutte voi e grazie :-)
20% (reRO41306) Date Added: 06/15/2014
commande passé pendant le match france
Uomini coinvolti (s.fiore54) Date Added: 06/18/2014
Ho coinvolto marito e figli in questo ordine x far scegliere la squadra, che io non me ne intendo ..... e questa volta non ha sbuffato ahhh ahhh
Reply (SeSc806) Date Added: 06/18/2014
Bellissima iniziativa ed originale! Complimenti!!!
Reply () Date Added: 06/19/2014
Reply (BABA12951) Date Added: 06/19/2014
CIAO, pur essendo loggata non vedo dove inserire la squadra del cuore per partecipare :0(
COME FARE (BABA12951) Date Added: 06/19/2014
ciao a tutte non riesco a vedere dove devo inserire la squadra per avere il 20% del buono sconto. Mi potreste aiutare? Mi sono già loggata ma non vedo nessun box o altro per la scelta.
25 juin (MaLo59966) Date Added: 06/19/2014
Je joue l'équipe de France gagnante pour ce match.
Merci de valider ma participation.
Très sympa l'organisation de ce jeu.
Bien cordialement,
Martine Lopez
25 juin (MaLo59966) Date Added: 06/19/2014
Je joue l'équipe de France gagnante pour ce match.
Merci de valider ma participation.
Très sympa l'organisation de ce jeu.
Bien cordialement,
Martine Lopez
Iniziativa simpatica e assolutamente coinvolgente (LuCo23564) Date Added: 06/20/2014
Bravi e geniali come sempre....
Evviva il calcio..........pacifico (LuCo23564) Date Added: 06/20/2014
Iniziativa simpatica e assolutamente coinvolgente
Reply () Date Added: 06/20/2014
viva...lo sconto (LuLo30899) Date Added: 06/20/2014
forza ITALIA!!!!!!!
Reply (frmi3656) Date Added: 06/20/2014
ordine fatto, sconto del 20% preso se l'italia arriva in finale avrò vocher di 1,80€ ehehe :)
Reply (MAPE72059) Date Added: 06/20/2014
très bonne idée, bravo
Reply (MAPE72059) Date Added: 06/20/2014
Bravo, très bonne idée.
World Cup 2014. (vadi20135) Date Added: 06/21/2014
Quanto vi voglio bene! Iniziativa encomiabile dalla quale si capisce quanto bene vogliate voi anche a noi. W i Mondiali di calcio!!!!!!!!!!
France (jogr44094) Date Added: 06/22/2014
je veux faire confiance à cette equipe
bello (GiAn46851) Date Added: 06/22/2014
che divertente
France (jogr44094) Date Added: 06/25/2014
merci pour cette idée
c' e sempre la prima volta e anche la finale della partita. (senti chi parla) Date Added: 06/26/2014
Sono veramente orgogliosa di questa iniziativa ... mi auguro che la speranza fortifica gli Azzurri e non metta in dubbio nessuno .... o si vince o si perde tutto e un gioco e basta.! ! buon pomeriggio care italiane a presto !
france (MaBO52161) Date Added: 06/28/2014
l'équipe de france pour moi !
france (MaBO52161) Date Added: 06/28/2014
sélection faite.. l'équipe de france !
Brésil (IsTE74210) Date Added: 06/28/2014
C'est ma 3è commande aujourd'hui alors merci de gagner encore !
FRANCE : 30/06/2014 (caOU77412) Date Added: 06/30/2014
Bellissimo!!! (NoFr38631) Date Added: 07/01/2014
Ecco finalmente la sportività del calcio! Bravissimi!!!
bestellen (GeHa78180) Date Added: 07/02/2014
lieve Casa Cenina
ik wil zaterdag 5 juli in de rustperiode als Nederland speelt bestellen,
mijn vraag is dan: gelden ook nog de gratis verzendkosten vanaf 35 euro netto?
mvr groet, Georgette
les gagnants () Date Added: 07/02/2014
je pense qu'il vont battre les Français!!!!
For GeHa78180 (ciofina) Date Added: 07/03/2014
Beste Georgette, Ja ook tijdens deze wereldkampioenschappen geldt dat verzendkosten ij bestellingen boven de 35 euro gratis zijn. Wij wensen u (en Nederland) veel succes tijdens de wedstrijd
RIVES Michèle (MiRI56237) Date Added: 07/04/2014
j'espère que la Hollande gagnera ce serait bien pour l'Europe, Ciao , ciao.. A bientôt.
FRANCE (caOU77412) Date Added: 07/04/2014
pour FRANCE (caOU77412) () Date Added: 07/05/2014
Cela est peut-êter arrivé parce que vous n'avez pas validé le choix de votre équipe nationale. Pour effectuer votre choix. vous devez accéder à votre compte avec votre adresse e-mail et votre mot de passe. N'hesitez pas à nous contacter pour toutes autres questions à notre adresse e-mail [email protected]
Reply (RICA17377) Date Added: 07/05/2014
Non sarà Brasile contro Camerun, ma contro Germania
Semifinale (RICA17377) Date Added: 07/05/2014
Non sarà Brasile vs Camerun, bensì Brasile vs Germania
Footbal competition discount () Date Added: 07/06/2014
There was made a mistake:
Your website says tuesday july 8th, Brazilie vs Kameroen, but it should be Brazilie vs Germany... (I don't know anything at all from football, but I know if it would be Kameroen, Holland would be sure to win...)
With kind regards,
martedì 08 luglio (MaRi13660) Date Added: 07/06/2014
la partita è Brasile Germania, non Camerun
Thank you - Merci - Gracias - Danke - Dank u - Grazie! (ciofina) Date Added: 07/06/2014
Thank you - Merci - Gracias - Danke - Dank u - Grazie
and sorry for the mistake .... :)
Reply (NaKR63479) Date Added: 07/07/2014
Hallo liebes Casa-Cenina-Team.... vielleicht bestelle ich ja doch noch etwas weiteres
(weiß noch nicht, ob),
und für den Fall ja, wähle ich jetzt noch rasch mein Lieblingsteam der WM.....Deutschland
auf das Spiel bin ich natürlich jetzt mega gespannt....
Aber auch wenn Brasilien gewinnt freue ich mich für diese Mannschaft, da sie doch so eine traurige Situatioion nun zu bewältigen hat .... wegen des schwerverletzten Spielers.
Eure Idee mit diesem Rabattspiel find ich soooo super! DANKE.
Am Anfang hatte ich den Text nicht so gut verstanden....
nun aber doch so hoffe ich.
ALSO Euch vielen Dank für die Idee und die besten Wünsche für Eure nächste WM..Fußball...ich hatte Euch sehr !! die Daumen gehalten....aber schade....
Viele liebe Grüße aus Wien, Natalie Kreutzbruck
Brasile (ISSA9709) Date Added: 07/07/2014
Speriamo bene!!!!!
Penso proprio che se lo meritano di vincere il mondiale, tutti i migliori giocatori che giocano nel campionato italiano sono brasiliani......
GERMANY TEAM IS THE BEST! (VictoriaWinter) Date Added: 07/09/2014
GERMANY IS MY FAVORITE TEAM! They deserve a victory & they should win ! Thank you Casa Cenina for fantastic idea !
GERMANY TEAM IS THE BEST TEAM ! (VictoriaWinter) Date Added: 07/09/2014
I was sure that Germany Team will come in the final ! :-) The best ,strong & very professional team, which spending all the time for trainings - not for hairstyles & tattoos ;-) Thanks a lot for my dears Cenine for fantastic idea! I did 4 orders :-)))
Reply (ElPi77757) Date Added: 07/09/2014
Siete fantastici :D grazie!!!