Our best wishes for a very Happy New Year to you all, from all us, first of all :-)
They say "well begun, half done"... So, to start this brand new year in the right way, Casa Cenina is glad and proud to invite you at the brand new "
Festival delle Arti Manuali": the craft and hobby event born from our cooperation with the Trade Exhibition Center management of our town - Arezzo - that we do hope is going to become your town, too, for some days!
From January 31st to February 2nd, in fact, we'll be waiting for you at the exhibition "Abit.ar 2014", for three days fully dedicated to craft and hobbies. A unique event in Central Italy, for the very first time in this area of our country and contemporarily with this consumer fair, dedicated to home furnishing and decorating and to wedding: three segments that perfectly match the varied customizing possibilities offered by our hobbies! Cross stitch and needlework, patchwork, creative sewing, crafting accessories and decorations for our homes, crocheting and knitting any kind of things, represent the "core subjects" of our Festival, conceived to spread all-round crafting!
That's why this year, our usual "
Festa del Ricamo" will be held during this great event, in these three days so full of hints and surprises and with a timetable allowing to anyone to get the most of the magical atmosphere of this occasion: Friday 1/31 from 4 p.m. to 10 p.m. - Saturday 2/1 and Sunday 2/2, from 10 a.m. to 10 p.m.
This is going to be the veri first edition of a consumer fair that we'd love to develop with you! And, from this very "prime time", we're arranging a whole lot of shopping opportunities...
But, most of all, this is going to be the first "Festa del Ricamo" of ours in a completely different setting and, on this very special occasion, we're also preparing a "more than special" surprise, for all our Italian and international friends! So, don't miss our next updates, that will come punctually: go on following us ;-)
So, hear from us soon and ... May this be the best beginning for you all!!!
Molto interessante (paau72381) Date Added: 01/10/2014
Comincio subito a organizzarmi per poter venire alla fiera. Sono molto contenta e spero sia un successone..
Milano? (anmo63864) Date Added: 01/17/2014
Complimenti per l'iniziativa del Festival!!
Avete sempre delle idee innovative e moderne.Vi suggerisco di far conoscere l'esistenza di questo festival tramite annunci pubblicitari anche a Milano e in Lombardia.C'è molta gente interessata e disposta a muoversi. Non chiudetevi solo in Toscana!! :)
Auguri e complimenti
eventi del festival del manuale del cucito (senti chi parla) Date Added: 01/23/2014
Credo che sia importante questo evento io mi auguro di sapere come finirà .. credo che non ci siano dubbi ... a presto cari lettori di casa cenina.
Festa (HaRo54152) Date Added: 02/15/2014
How was the festa? Are there pictures of ricama?
For HaRo54152 (ElCa954) Date Added: 02/17/2014
Hello dear friend!
The Festival was great - in any sense ;-) - and Nora and we were quite tired, though so happy, at the end of it! You can find many pictures of the as many moments shared together in our FaceBook page :-)
Thanks for your kind message and all the best!