Thread Heaven conditioner

Thread Heaven conditioner

From: Adam Beadworks

28 reviews | Write your review

Stop tangling and fraying with this new synthetic thread conditioner. Beeswax creates a sticky coating while this makes a slick coating that works more like ball bearings. Works especially well on metallics, silks, and rayon threads to make them more pliable and easier to use. Thread Heaven is chemically inert and will not react with the fibers.
UPC/EAN: 671324001013

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Metallic threads: a mixed blessing for all embroiderers
Hello everybody! When October ends, we all start the count-down for Christmas and, with the most beautiful feast of the year, we all think about the most precious and golden embrodieries: those where, probably, we put almost the half of our heart But often the Christmas subjects are embellished with metallic threads: the ones that strike our eyes, just making our works more glimmering... However, these threads make us crazy, as they always twist – it seems to be their main characteristic! – they tray as simply as biscuits crumble and they are often harder than Christmas cakes in spring!
Is it too dramatic? No, it isn't Do we want to be “limited” by these little obstacles??!?!?? Absolutely not!
Because there are some solutions and if you can dedicate to me only three seconds of your time, I'm happy to list them here below
Let's start with a general piece of advice, which, anyway, is good also for the normal moulinés: you need to use the most short needlefuls and try to embroider by keeping the needle always in a vertical position. So, the possibilities to tray the threads are reduced a lot.
And they are reduced as well by putting a drop of this product on both the ends of the needleful of the thread:

By considering that this liquid is also perfect to avoid the tray of the fabric we are embroidering, we can say that "we can kill two birds with one stone"

However, in order to “tame” the metallic threads, the most suitable option is usig this little box:

The minuscule box contains a special solid balm, which is very fine and which doesn't leave any spots neither on the most prestigious linen. It doesn't grease and you don't feel it on your fingers, but, once put on the thread you're using to embroider, it makes it more slippery, so that you forget any fray, hard fabrics and so on...
The beautiful thing is that, even if it is very little, the box doesn't finish in a short time: I'm using mine since 2006!!! Obviously, I do not always use metallic threads However – and this is the good thing – if we consider that I use it also for the very delicate silk flosses, with which I embroider a lot, as I love deviating from the usual mouliné, I can guarantee that it is true to state: little investment, big gain

Another important element to consider is the metallic thread per se. With the current, always growing, offer of metallic threads, the choice can be a bit difficult. Without getting into particular details and without considering personal tastes - everybody likes different things- I just state that it is really worthed once in our "embroidery life" to try something different from the DMC And not because the metallic threads by the famous French company are of bad quality. Of course, not, they are very good as all their products are but... There are some alternatives and they are valid as well Starting from the bobbins by Kreinik:
Available in different dimensions and colors of 65 different tones, these metallic threads are the most sold in the USA, but they have also conquered a large slice of the Old Continent's market! Why? Simply because they are extraordinarly brilliant and soft and, thanks to the different thicknesses proposed, they can apply to different embroideries. To see in detail the differences among the several Kreinik, I will talk about them in a future post because there are a lot to things to say
Before ending, I just give you a fantastic metallic alternative, which is far from the classic problems of twisting. I'm talking about the threads by Rainbow Gallery, that you can see here:
As you can see, even in this case, the tones and the consistencies available are a lot and, even in this case, next time I will describe you all the several differencies in detail

A big hug and... Happy Stitching!

  28 Customers Reviews (4.71
katia Sunday 04 October, 2015

using the language of youth ... ... Strabella straFUNZIONA !!! Now that is a pleasure to use the metallized wires !!!!

Rating: [5 of 5 Stars!]
Cristina da Castelnovo ne' Monti Friday 20 June, 2014

A great product, the yarn slides well and frays a lot less. Before using it in practice I threw half of the spire because you ruined, now arriving almost to the end. And 'little one, but lasts a lot.

Rating: [5 of 5 Stars!]
Alemomy Saturday 21 December, 2013

Highly recommended !! I saved me with placeholders that I made for Christmas. And to think that I had taken a long time ago but I had not had a chance to try it. The small package but cmq last long.

Rating: [5 of 5 Stars!]
Piervale Friday 22 November, 2013

Simply indispensable wonderful! A real magic for all embroidery with metallic threads

Rating: [5 of 5 Stars!]
Saris Thursday 31 January, 2013

Really great for metallic DMC which are quite hard

Rating: [5 of 5 Stars!]
loga25113 Wednesday 14 November, 2012

To me it lasts a lot and too useful cenine you fantasctiche

Rating: [5 of 5 Stars!]
Beatrice Saturday 10 November, 2012

Good buy, softens the yarn, too bad for that little hard and you have to go over the wire.

Rating: [4 of 5 Stars!]
loga25113 Thursday 01 December, 2011

I did not know the existence of this product lho purchased ptovato and I nn I can help it more fantastic thanks cenine friends

Rating: [5 of 5 Stars!]
VACH43890 Friday 04 November, 2011

I arrived yesterday ... I tried it right away !!! It 's great, now it's really a pleasure to use metallic yarn !!! excellent

Rating: [5 of 5 Stars!]
moma31809 Monday 06 June, 2011

Fabulous! I used it with Kreinik yarns I stitched it was just beautiful! Highly recommended!

Rating: [5 of 5 Stars!]
RoMe16647 Saturday 07 May, 2011

Yes, yes ... I too unite myself more than willingly to the satisfaction reviews for this magic cube ... I arrived the other day and I have already used, magnificent and work with the wire no longer a problem ... I do not know why I did not discover it before !!! Thanks Casa Cenina that offers us a well-stocked catalog and good prezzi.Vi love .....

Rating: [5 of 5 Stars!]
coes5573 Saturday 07 May, 2011

I can not join the chorus of praise for this magic cube. Finally tame wire and work it more feasible. I'm happy purchase.

Rating: [5 of 5 Stars!]
elora81 Saturday 25 December, 2010

Sorry but I until now had made it less! Amazing how you will have done? The wire is embroidered a lot better, does absolutely the difference. It took me a few tries but eventually not at all difficult to use.

Rating: [5 of 5 Stars!]
LOBO366 Thursday 11 November, 2010

I work a lot with metallic yarns will also purchase two packs at a time ... I do not agree that is worth nothing ... before knowing this product was doing a lot of effort to work on them but now I have no problem !!! .. .perhaps you have not used in the right way ... I do so ... I take a little of the product ball between his fingers in which then I run the thread ... the result will be that you will see the particles of this wax throughout the filato..e even more opaque risulter ... but then washing it all away will go smoothly !!!!

Rating: [5 of 5 Stars!]
vimu35002 Wednesday 10 November, 2010

not that I was expecting great miracles when I bought it, but at least a bit of improvement, but after several attempts I realized that is worthless !!!
Hello :-) As you may have seen from this our reviews section, rarely we comment on the views of our customers, but in your case I think it is fair to do so, not least because the first time that this product receives such a " slating "and we are very surprised. In fact, this is definitely one of the historic items in our store, we sell practically forever, and we sell a lot ... Of course, fully respect your opinion, to allow me to advise you to use it even more frequently, if you use it with the metallic threads, and to make him the thread 's internal crawling well and over the length of the spire: I do so for nearly six years and I swear that I have always found it very well ... But I'm not the only one , because if you give a 'look, there are a lot of positive reviews about this product ... In any case, I repeat that every opinion to us valuable and valid, even negative ones, so it will be happy to advise you, if want to describe me as you used to date, or just make small talk with you again :-) Best wishes!
CasaCenina Staff

Rating: [1 of 5 Stars!]
paolalecce Sunday 19 September, 2010

recently that cross-stitch embroidery. I purchased this wax in anticipation of using the metallic yarns. Honestly fantastic, the thread slips like a normal yarn, it is not hard at all. Really a good product

Rating: [5 of 5 Stars!]
CrSa11092 Wednesday 09 December, 2009

Obviously no miracles, but actually makes it much easier to use metal wires, making them more and more mordidi sliding, and in fact are tied even less. Good buy.

Rating: [5 of 5 Stars!]
steaua Tuesday 24 November, 2009

Exceptionally, I am sincere I was a bit 'skeptical before using it, however, and' great and indispensable for metallised yarn and it 'also easy to use ... highly recommended

Rating: [5 of 5 Stars!]
bade8752 Tuesday 04 December, 2007

a wonder .... if avvessi knew I would have taken prima.consigliatissimo

Rating: [5 of 5 Stars!]
IlGa5077 Sunday 11 February, 2007

IS FANTASTIC!!! We must try to understand! One pass on the cube and the metallized become soft as the most mulinnon fray and the point remains tense. Finally work them a pleasure.

Rating: [5 of 5 Stars!]
LUCH1361 Tuesday 19 December, 2006


Rating: [5 of 5 Stars!]
cippalippa Wednesday 08 November, 2006

arrived right now! a tiny cube ... but a great help !! a purchase good super good!

Rating: [5 of 5 Stars!]
FrCa7005 Monday 09 October, 2006

It is a very good product, to buy absolutely! The wire becomes soft and it becomes no more 'crazy, no more tangled'!

Rating: [5 of 5 Stars!]
Marbe Thursday 20 October, 2005

I purchased it before the summer but I started using it just now, (I had forgotten to have it !!!) I have not yet finished the embroidery Smoke Dragons, where the inscriptions are all embroidered with yarn Kreinik BF EVF (# 4); but I assure you that great! The yarn slides like silk on silk through the holes of the canvas Aida 55 and does not curl more! To understand how to use it just connect to the website: WWW: THREADHEAVEN.COM where you find some very clear images even if the explanations are in English.

Rating: [5 of 5 Stars!]
SaGa2741 Tuesday 02 August, 2005

I have not tried it yet .... also because I do not know how to use it since everything written in English will be definitely a good product

Rating: [4 of 5 Stars!]
Laura Daino Wednesday 22 December, 2004

I have not tried it yet but the greatest imagined to really like but they say that in small packages .....!

Rating: [3 of 5 Stars!]
Elena Castorina Saturday 18 December, 2004

I would say to all navigators crocettiste, that this small little box contains a real magic: I had given up working with yarn lam after an experience - two years ago - he had taken me hours and hours to do only point written with this type of yarn. So when I saw this product, I decided to try it and I was really appalled: the wires are literally transformed !!! It does not leave any trace and really beautiful end result! Greetings to everyone. ELENA

Rating: [5 of 5 Stars!]
Vega Tuesday 28 September, 2004

Absolutely necessary if it is embroidered with metallic! very useful because "compact" making it much more versatile !!! fantastic ....

Rating: [5 of 5 Stars!]
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