

Cross-stitch chart

From: Renato Parolin

5 reviews | Write your review

Stitches: 388 x 233. Size: 63cm. x 38cm. if stitched on 32ct. linen fabric.
PLEASE NOTE: the designer of this chart does not mention in any way the amounts of each single floss needed for stitching this model, so Casa Cenina can only provide an average quantity of floss, based on the size of the finished model, but there's no way to guarantee the correctness of such estimate on a case by case basis, since the amount of floss needed mainly depends on the fabric selected by the stitcher and on her way of stitching.

To see the list of materials needed to complete this project click here.

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Renato Parolin - Bestsellers
Here you can find the list of materials (fabric, threads, beads, etc.) which are necessary to complete the Nell'Aria.
We have inserted for each item the necessary quantities. You can obviously change them according to your needings/requests. When you have arranged the quantities click on the button IN CART at the end of the list and all the products with a quantity different from 0 will be inserted in your shopping cart
If you want to buy only the chart click on the button IN CART above the list.
Renato Parolin: De tout son coeur
A little gift will be added from today to all the orders which contain at least one chart by Renato Parolin.
Actually if you buy a product signed by the famous embroidery designer, you will receive for free the chart De tout son coeur.
A design to embroider with just one color which represents a tree full of hearts and two fawns. All framed by a geometrical decoration.

De tout son coeur

The Staff of Casa Cenina thanks Dani for having courteously given us the image of the free chart.

  5 Customers Reviews (5.00
AuCA103481 Sunday 22 October, 2017

Super book, long to do but very interesting!

Rating: [5 of 5 Stars!]
Lucia Cereda Tuesday 07 January, 2014

I never embroidered, but seeing these beautiful trees, flashing me is the challenge of writing even with embroidery. I wanted to have your opinion: such an embroidery feasible for a person who has never embroidered? What points need to know? What tools do I need? Thank you in advance and I wish you (late) a peaceful 2014! Lucia
Lucia Hello and thanks for your good wishes to sincerely reciprocate :-) For questions of this type, the next time, please write directly to our email: [email protected], because this section of our site devoted to reviews of the products. That said I have to tell you that - in general - the embroideries of Renato Parolin are not very difficult ... But embroidering preferably on linen and this most "Hard tissue " to be embroidered, compared to the Aida ... So if you like, you can senz 'other try, but choose a aida canvas to start. It is cross-stitch embroidery, so there are other things you should know :-) If you have other questions, will be happy to help you ... But remember to write to the above email address ;-) Greetings and thanks!
CasaCenina Staff

Rating: [5 of 5 Stars!]
cimi24245 Sunday 07 April, 2013

The ricamer on Aida 55 to obtain a still larger than the specified (should reach approximately 71 cm. X 43 cm.). And with the addition of a large frame (possibly similar to the original in the photo), and maybe a suitable mat, will come a really big picture that appender in the bedroom, because a picture that gives me peace : Parolin creates trees all different and all beautiful. Observing this myriad of birds that fly up together it seems to "feel" the rustle of their wings. The tree has a round shape so it seems childish, and I like it for that reason. Deer are animals of my mountains, and then ... I love it even more! Recommended for those who, like me, loves freedom because this is the feeling that transmits this! Cinzia.

Rating: [5 of 5 Stars!]
dema36517 Thursday 24 November, 2011

Good morning, I wanted to know if the air embroidery and moments of life are the same size (I would hang over two neighboring wall unit, I would need two identical paintings). Thanks Denise Marangoni
Hello Denise. The two schemes have slightly different dimensions as you can see also the product sheets which are specified. Nell 'Air 233x388 points while Moments of Life 176x322 points, if embroideries them on a linen 32 threads You almost 10 cm difference in height
CasaCenina Staff

Rating: [5 of 5 Stars!]
orde31227 Tuesday 24 August, 2010

finished! I can not wait to see it framed! I thought it was more complex instead of a pleasure to be embroidered. ornella

Rating: [5 of 5 Stars!]
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