Hello everybody!
Today we want to talk about something really important on which, up to now - willingly, and here in this post we will explain the actual reasons - we have preferred giving a few pieces of information. The important "something" we are referring to is the double, awful, earthquake which hit the large province of Modena some weeks ago.
Casa Cenina, with its small resources, has participated to some initiatives without being too showy but offering gifts or contributions to all embroiderers and craftswomen's groups all over Italy.
As we have already explained to those who made us some questions, we have chosen this type of silent approach since we do believe that when facing such tragedies the best thing we can do is "acting without showing". This is our steady opinion on this matter.
However, today we cannot but introduce to all of you the initiative by one of the reference brands of our creative world -
DMC - as for the earthquake which has ruined the daily life of a lot of Italian people. This initiative is a very concrete charitable activity we want to share with you, by merely being the in-between actor. We do hope a lot of you will take part to this unique initiative!
DMC has actually decided to promote through Casa Cenina a huge charitable action for all the people struck by the earthquake in Emilia Romagna. This action is called "A Bag ful of Aid" and the 20% of the price of each of these wonderful bags and purses will directly be cashed in the Regione Emilia Romagna account for the earthquake emergency. These bags are in limited edition and they can be bought exclusively in Casa Cenina. Here they are:
Shopping Bag-
Big Bowling Bag-
Little Bowling Bag-
Round PurseYou already know these products and their high quality since you had the chance to touch them during our
Festa del Ricamo and to
read in our blog their usefulness even if they have all the characteristics of the fashion bags by famous stylists.
Now their usefulness is double thanks to the great contribution
DMC has decided to give through their sale which has been prolonged from the 28th of July until Christmas! And, let us say that there cannot be any better Christmas gift than a product which is useful for the buyer, the receiver and, above all, for those people who will spend their Christmas time outside, with their houses destroyed by the earthquake. What can be more generous and good for Christmas?
In order to be as honest as possible - like
DMC - in the homepage of their website this initiative will be presented as it deserves and at the end of it, both
DMC and Casa Cenina will publish the receipt of the money transfer made to the Regione Emilia Romagna account so that all of you can be punctually informed on how much, even with a small gift for someone we love, we can donate also to people we do not now but who need our help!
Thank you very much for all you will be able to do!
A big hug

Reply (Nella) Date Added: 07/28/2012
Splendido il cuore grande di Casa Cenina!
Splendida iniziativa alla quale , sono certa, aderiranno molte ricamine come me.
All'interno della mia borsa scriverò "agire senza dire".
Queste parole mi ricorderanno nel tempo che il vero "dono" è quello che avrò fatto io.... a me stessa!
La consapevolezza di poter essere concretamente utile ad un'amica lontana ripaga e appaga come l'affetto di un'Amica vicina.
Grazie di cuore
Patrizia di Asti
Grazie! (fudi30433) Date Added: 07/28/2012
Grazie di cuore a tutte coloro che parteciperanno all'iniziativa, una goccia da ciascuno di voi per noi sara' un mare di affetto, io sono una " terremotata" che per fortuna non ha perso la casa, ma ho perso qualcosa di impagabile, il coraggio e la voglia di stare dentro casa mia, quella che consideravo il posto piu' sicuro al mondo e che invece ora non riconosco piu'. Mi manca il coraggio di entrare e di passare anche solo un' ora al suo interno. Lo so che non dovrei dire niente perche' chi sta peggio di me ha perso tutto, casa, lavoro e anche purtroppo dei cari, pero' ognuno di noi reagisce come può, colgo l'occasione per ringraziarvi in anticipo e ringraziare Casa cenina e Dmc per quello che stanno facendo, sapere che ci pensate e' molto, grazie di cuore a tutti.
grazzie (glsc38194) Date Added: 07/29/2012
io lo devo dire doppiamente già per quello che è stato fatto e quello che si riuscirà a fare ancora.....la strada sarà lunga...ma tanti piccoli aiuti serviranno per qualcosa di grande...e ritorneremo tutti a sorridere...glo
mi avete commossa (MoMa629) Date Added: 09/19/2012
grazie... a nome di tutta la gente emiliana, ferita, impaurita, ma mai abbattuta!
ci rialzeremo, la strada sarà lunga, ma queste belle iniziative scaldano il cuore!
grazie!!!! continuate cosi'!!!